

  • Q1.Firmware Update - PS3PS4 Fighting Board

    Q: I don’t know how to do firmware update, how can I do?

    A: There’s firmware update guide for you to download and read.

         You can download it from Brook’s official website.

         Go to “Support è Download”

         Brook’s official website download page:


    Q : I have some problem with firmware update.

    A : Should you have any problem, please try the troubleshooting methods as below :

    1. Disconnect, reconnect and retry
    2. Switch another USB port and retry
    3. Use another PC and retry
    4. Restart PC and retry
    5. Restart firmware and retry
    6. Use another controller and retry
    7. Shorten cable length/Use another cable and retry
    8. Make sure you download the correct file
    9. If you have installed ZeroPlus Driver before, remove it and retry
    10. Disable antivirus and retry
    11. Run the program as administrator
    12. Use VPM and retry.

         If you have tried all the methods above and your problem still exists, log on to Brook’s official website, go to “Contact us” for assistance.


    Q : Do I need to do firmware update if there's new release ?

    A : As long as you can use the converter without any problem, you don't have to do firmware update.


    Q : What should I pay attention to for firmware update ?


    1. Firmware update must be done on a PC, it cannot be done on a console.
    2. Operate it on desktop PC. For laptop, please connect your laptop to power supply.
    3. Do it on Windows 7(and above) or Mac.
    4. Disable antivirus when operating.
    5. Don’t remove the converter while update is running.
    6. Make sure the PC has smooth internet stream

    Q : I try to update the firmware for my fighting board , It keeps giving me the message

    " Downlaod file failed  " and "The remote server returned an error: 227 " ,  What can i do ?

    A : 

        Unzip password : Brook



  • Q2.Defective - PS3PS4 Fighting Board

    Q: Neither the console nor the PC recognizes the board.

    A: If none of the methods below helps, the board can be defective.

        1. Try other usb cables

        2. Go to Devices and Printers on PC(Windows10) to see if the board is recognized

  • Q3.Other Technical Questions - PS3PS4 Fighting Board

    QI have a Fighting Board PS3PS4, and I don’t know how to solder, what can I do ?

    A: Please log onto Brook’s official website to see how to connect each cable and pin.

        Fighting Board PS3/PS4 :


    Q: What does J6 for? Is it for touchpad?

    A: Yes, it is, and it's only for Brook touchpad. Contact your retailer to buy one if you want.


    QWhat are M1 and M2 for?

    A: They are for motors.


    Q : Is it possible to switch SOCD mode in v2.4 m1? I have tried several times to update the firmware, but your update software only allows me to select v2.4 m1. I need CAPCOM neutral SOCD mode for my board, what can i do ?


    A: Update the V2.4 TE version




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